Russian Literature Challenge 2020

My Russian Literature Challenge 2017 was a raging success three years ago (has it really been three years???!) so I've decided to bring in 2020 with style by hosting another Russian Literature Challenge. As many of you know Russian Literature is my first, and current, and forever love. I'm always reading at least one Russian book/poem/short story. I have an entire bookcase full of Russian literature.  If I'm not reading Russian literature I'm talking about Russian literature and if I'm not talking about it I'm thinking about Russian literature. I love sharing my passion for it with anyone and everyone and there is nothing that would bring me more joy than hosting this challenge once again!

Personally I'm not the greatest fan of challenges that have too many rules and regulations so I only have one: read as much (or as little) Russian literature in 2020 as you want to and share your thoughts if you so desire! I have a recommended reading list that I'll add the link to at the end of this post for ideas but how you define Russian literature is up to you. It can be classic Russian literature from pre 19th century, you can stick to the 19th century "Golden Age", you can focus on one author, you can read modern Russian literature, non fiction Russian literature... whatever you desire!

As for my plans... I am aiming to continue my Turgenev challenge, I want to expand my already vast knowledge of Russian history which will aide my understanding of some of the more political Russian works and I'd love to discover more women Russian authors! I'm also planning to write some themed posts about Russian authors (namely my contentious relationship with Tolsoy and my love of Turgenev) and genres and such that will hopefully aide people in discovering new books/authors and enrich your knowledge of the Russians. Basically, I want to drown in Russian literature in 2020 and I hope some of you will come along for the ride!

If you would like to join simply comment below and I'll add you to my Russian Literature 2020 page so we can all keep up with each other! At the bare minimum I will post four "check in" times next year so we can keep each other updated on our progress.


Here are some buttons for the Challenge... Happy reading!


  1. I'm in! The pile of Russian history and literature on my shelf grows faster than I can deal with it.

    1. Welcome! And I'm definitely with you on that one...

  2. Count me in! I've committed to Resurrection by Tolstoy, and then (time permitting) Cancer Ward and some poems by Pushkin. And knowing me, I'll probably scrap that idea and just read Dostoyevsky... Bookmarked your list for reference!

    1. Yay! Welcome to the party. Pushkin Poems sound amazing!

  3. Count me in, too! Right now I'm thinking The Master and Margarita or Petersburg, but I'll probably change my mind. A great idea. Thanks for hosting!

    1. The more the merrier! I still haven't read the Master and Margarita but it's definitely on my list..

  4. I'm in! Thanks so much for hosting, Keely!

    1. Yay!! You have some great titles and are inspiring as always...

  5. I'll join! I've got a few Russian classics that I'll read this year. Thanks for hosting!

    1. Hooray! Can't wait to see your progress (and my own!)
      Happy reading!!

  6. Hi, I've just discovered your blog because of a reference to this challenge. Count me in! Here is my sign-up post:

    1. Hi! Welcome to the challenge. I will check your post out ASAP. Cant wait for a year of reading Russian :)

  7. I am here from Juliana's the [blank] garden, and I would love to join! I have a great passion for Russian literature as well, so much so that I almost had a minor in it while I was in college (many, many years ago). Anna Karenina is quite possibly my favorite book ever, at least in the top 5, and I regularly reread it. So, there's that...bur so much more! Thank you for this lovely plan. Like my Japanese Literature Challenge 13, it puts the emphasis on the book, not the challenge, and I like that.

  8. Perfect! I’m reading war & peace this year. I’m I !


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