2020 Challenges

So here it is...the first post of a new year and a new decade. I've been very busy at work and haven't had a break until today so I haven't been able to rest let alone look for challenges and write up a post. But here we are...late as ever!

My main goals this year are to read more (and read well), focus on history, Greek plays and Russian literature as well as works written by female writers and write reviews for every book I read no matter how small.

The challenges I am participating in are as follows: (I will add to this list as I find them)

2020 Challenges:

Back to the Classics Challenge: hosted by Karen @ Books and Chocolate

I've participated in this challenge a few times and although like every reading goal I've ever had I've never completed it but I shall always try! The rules/categories and my picks this year (at the moment... I may change some later) are:

1.) 19th Century Classic: The Tennant of Wildfell Hall by Anne Bronte
2.) 20th Century Classic: Chronicles of Narnia 1-7 (I've read some, haven't read others and it's time)
3.) Classic By A Woman Author: The Last of the Plantagenets by Caroline M. Keteltas
4.) Classic in TranslationThe Iliad by Homer (translated by Chapman)
5.) Classic By a Person of Colour: Romance of the Three Kingdoms by Lo Kuan-Chung Volume 1/2 (undecided about this one as I'm not sure I have the time for a TOME this year but it's one my CC list)
6.) A Genre ClassicThe Peloponnesian War by Thucydides (Non-Fiction/Narrative History)
7.) Classic With a Person's Name in the Title: Othello by William Shakespeare
8.) Classic With a Place in the TitleThe Mill on the Floss by George Eliot
9.) Classic With Nature in the Title: The Waves by Virginia Woolf
10.) Classic About a Family: The Brothers Karamazov by Fyodor Dostoyevsky
11.) Abandoned Classic: The Metamophoses by Ovid (didn't have time for this one but loved it and want to pick it up again ASAP)
12.) Classic Adaption: Far From the Madding Crowd by Thomas Hardy

History Non Fiction Reading Challenge: hosted by Hibernators Library

I want to focus on non fiction/narrative history this year so this challenge appeals to me. The history books on my radar for this year are:

1.) The Romanovs by Simon
2.) Dynasty by Tom Holland
3.) The Peloponnesian War by Thucydides
4.) Peter the Great by Robert K. Massie
5.) Islamic Empires by Justin Marozzi
6.) Catherine the Great by .. Alexander
7.) Fall of the Roman Republic by Plutarch

We will see how many I can get through. My aim is 3/4 with Peter the Great by RKM as my priority.

My own Russian Literature Challenge 2020: 

I have a ridiculous amount of Russian literature on my shelves that remain unread so that will be my main focus this year. I won't list all of the books I'm aiming for but I wish to focus on Turgenev once more this year and delve into more of Solzhenitsyn and Dostoyevsky plus find some Russian women writers as well.

I am also planning to participate in the Deal Me In Challenge but will finalise my list later. Will probably be stacked with plays, short stories and poetry.

Happy 2020!


  1. Yay! Far From the Madding Crowd! (And I love the most recent adaptation of it, too.)
    I think I'm reading Mill on the Floss for my 19th c. pick.

    1. I've wanted to get into Hardy and Eliot for the longest time... and I feel like I'll like those two books the most! I loved the adaption, it was so beautiful.

  2. Rich list. A remainder that at one point I must read Far from the Maddening Crowd.

    Hats off to your reading of heavy weight classics, specially Thucydides.

    I hope you love The Brothers Karamazov. It's remarkable.

    1. I found Thucydides today in a bookstore and I'm pretty sure I may struggle but I've always wanted to read it!

  3. Ooo, fun, Keely! I loved The History of the Peloponnesian War!! I have The Mill on the Floss on my list as well. And I'm so glad that you're joining the read-along for The Iliad! Here's to a great reading year!!

    1. I'm already on my third book of 2020 so its looking very promising! Hopefully it pans out the way I want it to! And good luck with your challenges.

  4. Wonderful list. Tenant is lovely. I have Woolf and Eliot on my list for Karen as well, but with different titles. :) Good luck with these Keely!!

    1. Thanks! Good luck to you too! It's hopefully going to be a productive reading year for us both.

  5. Lots of good stuff! I love the Tenant of Wildfell Hall so much. I have so far completely failed to appreciate Thucydides...maybe that should be my abandoned classic!

    1. Agnes Grey is one of my very favourite novels so I'm not sure why it's taken me so long to read Tennant but I can't wait! I picked up a copy of The Peloponnesian War so thought why not...

  6. Tenant of Wildfell Hall is popping up on a lot of lists (including mine). Curious? Good choices all. Enjoy!

    1. It just means we all clearly have taste.... happy reading! :)

  7. Good list - I've been wanting to reread Narnia for a while now, but I probably won't get to it this year! As Joseph already said, there's many of us reading Tenant this year!


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